23 skidoo is a classic unreleased Otto Preminger film from 1968 with Jackie Gleason, Carol Channing and a cast of other aging film stars from the 50s.
It was an attempt to cash in on the current trend of hippie acid type films. Unfortunately everyone saw sense and buried it before release. A few prints made it out and it became a cult classic.
#1 - I know you are trying to say something neat, but I have no clue what that letter combo makes
#2 - Why in the world would you put that on your car -- what's the point?
Have a License plate that bugs you? Email me a picture: KJFRIES@gmail.com (also include your blog address, if you have one, so I can link your name to it when I give you credit for the plate)
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3 Comments and Guesses:
Hard to tell for sure ut I THINK it's 23skidou, which is an old phrase from the '20's.
it's 23 skidoo, which goes with the style of car. An old slang term for leaving quickly.
23 skidoo is a classic unreleased Otto Preminger film from 1968 with Jackie Gleason, Carol Channing and a cast of other aging film stars from the 50s.
It was an attempt to cash in on the current trend of hippie acid type films. Unfortunately everyone saw sense and buried it before release. A few prints made it out and it became a cult classic.
It may be a reference to this, or it may not be.
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