it must be . . . I have a friend whose e-mail was "gzuzfreex" and I thought it was "kazoos-freaks" (like "ga-zoos") and it wasn't until I was at her house one time and saw it in another context that I realized she meant "Je-sus".
#1 - I know you are trying to say something neat, but I have no clue what that letter combo makes
#2 - Why in the world would you put that on your car -- what's the point?
Have a License plate that bugs you? Email me a picture: (also include your blog address, if you have one, so I can link your name to it when I give you credit for the plate)
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Slowly taking over the world one rant at a time...
3 Comments and Guesses:
it must be . . . I have a friend whose e-mail was "gzuzfreex" and I thought it was "kazoos-freaks" (like "ga-zoos") and it wasn't until I was at her house one time and saw it in another context that I realized she meant "Je-sus".
Or, less likely, "living geezers."
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