yeah this is probably another Jesusy one. some Christians like to jazz up their spiritual language by using the original Greek/Hebrew/Aramaic words for things. like calling your Bible study group AGAPE because that is the Greek word used in the Bible for brotherly love. Pneumata would be a reference to the Holy Spirit then. is actually a website for a Christian dance troupe, which illustrates my point.
or maybe it is a comment on the car's tires? pneumatic is also a technical term to describe something that is filled with compressed air (like a tire)
Alicia... love that term, Jesusy, that's one I've never heard. That aside, it could very well be that person IS Greek and happens to believe strongly in their ancestral spirits.
#1 - I know you are trying to say something neat, but I have no clue what that letter combo makes
#2 - Why in the world would you put that on your car -- what's the point?
Have a License plate that bugs you? Email me a picture: (also include your blog address, if you have one, so I can link your name to it when I give you credit for the plate)
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6 Comments and Guesses:
"pneumata" is greek for "spirits". as if that clears anything up.
Eewwww! I don't like it!
yeah this is probably another Jesusy one. some Christians like to jazz up their spiritual language by using the original Greek/Hebrew/Aramaic words for things. like calling your Bible study group AGAPE because that is the Greek word used in the Bible for brotherly love. Pneumata would be a reference to the Holy Spirit then. is actually a website for a Christian dance troupe, which illustrates my point.
or maybe it is a comment on the car's tires? pneumatic is also a technical term to describe something that is filled with compressed air (like a tire)
Alicia... love that term, Jesusy, that's one I've never heard.
That aside, it could very well be that person IS Greek and happens to believe strongly in their ancestral spirits.
How about "spirits" as cocktails/liquor? He's a party animal?
Akuna pnumata! I love the Lion King! ;)
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