a lot of people try really hard to put jesusy things on their car, maybe "i sow for you" like "i sow seeds of the gospel for jesus" (see the parable of the sower). it's a silly thing to put on a license plate, but that usually makes it more likely that someone actually did it.
Back in Everquest you could get a "buff" cast on you called "Spirit of the Wolf" It would make you faster, to decrease travel times. Outside every major city in the game would be a bunch of people begging for a SOW.
#1 - I know you are trying to say something neat, but I have no clue what that letter combo makes
#2 - Why in the world would you put that on your car -- what's the point?
Have a License plate that bugs you? Email me a picture: KJFRIES@gmail.com (also include your blog address, if you have one, so I can link your name to it when I give you credit for the plate)
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6 Comments and Guesses:
a lot of people try really hard to put jesusy things on their car, maybe "i sow for you" like "i sow seeds of the gospel for jesus" (see the parable of the sower). it's a silly thing to put on a license plate, but that usually makes it more likely that someone actually did it.
I think it's a matchmaker service.
"I seek out women for you"
Back in Everquest you could get a "buff" cast on you called "Spirit of the Wolf" It would make you faster, to decrease travel times. Outside every major city in the game would be a bunch of people begging for a SOW.
Seamstress and I sew 4 U was taken?
could be a farmer... as in sowing seed
Ummmm...more like "sowing the seeds of love"...LOL!!!!
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