Sunday, June 17, 2007


Thanks to LiSa for this wonderful submission

Wow... what do you think this one means?

8 Comments and Guesses:

chris lazo said...

So what if you find one that is actually kind of innovative?

Like... SK8RGY

Kjaere said...

Well, that makes sense and wouldn't frustrate me too much... Skater Guy... ok.. I get that... but BNDLPNT... what in the world is that suppossed to mean? It just bugs me when you can't figure out what they are saying or why they would put that on the car... and now it's fun to see as all my friends are talking about this too!

The Ex said...
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Anonymous said...

Convinced the person with this license plate is just messing with us.

Anonymous said...

be nodal point??

Sue Kasmar said...

be or by needlepoint?

Ben said...


Like, "I am your bundle point."

You guys use that term, right?

Anonymous said...


I can imagine this person's home filled with needlepoints of bees only.